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Feb 20, 20173 min read
Why You Should Create Your Own Strength Software in Excel
When I first started developing strength and conditioning programs, I would stare at a piece of paper for hours, trying to put exercises...

Feb 7, 20173 min read
Things to Add to Your Gym Bag
There are some of us that like the minimal gym bag with a t-shirt, a pair of runners, and a towel. However, if your gym bag is anything...

Jan 23, 20173 min read
Feel Hip Pain from Squatting? Try This
Whenever I am asking a group of athletes to start a new squatting program there are always a few in the group that get hip pain. They...

Dec 6, 20162 min read
Predictors of Sports Speed
Sports speed is perhaps one of the most coveted qualities in athletics. Faster athletes get to the ball quicker, and score more goals....

Nov 22, 20162 min read
Improve Tackling Ability in the Weight Room
I have previously written about the benefits of in season training. In season training allows for better performance at the end of the...

Nov 8, 20163 min read
Awesome Exercises: Landmine Squat
Having trouble getting your athletes to squat well? Getting someone to squat perfectly can sometimes be a challenge. With the differences...

Oct 25, 20162 min read
Ankle Mobility & Jump Height
How does ankle mobility affect jump height? Often when coaches look to improve athletes jump height they look immediately at lower body...

Oct 17, 20164 min read
When Training More is Not Better.
Trying to out work the competition by training more does not always yield a compeditive advantage. In fact many times it leaves athletes...

Oct 10, 20165 min read
Write Your Own Workout: Steps For a Balanced Plan
For anyone who does not currently have a coach or trainer writing your own workout plan can be a daunting task. Fortunately there are...

Sep 26, 20163 min read
Vertical Jump Exercise: How to Improve Your Ability to Fly
Vertical jump might be the king of athletic movements. Sport performance coaches use the vertical jump as a predictor of athletic...

Sep 19, 20163 min read
In Season Training: Yes You Should Train!
In season training may be just the thing you need for that playoff victory. Too often I see a lot of athletes that will stop training...

Sep 12, 20162 min read
The Athlete Breakfast: What to Eat to Perform
If you are an athlete and skipping breakfast you are in trouble. Breakfast the most important meal of the day? We have all been told that...

Sep 5, 20165 min read
Warm Up Sets: For the Squat / Bench Press / and Deadlift
The most overlooked aspects in training are the warm up sets. Typically the main exercise of each workout, omitting the Olympic lifts is...

Aug 7, 20163 min read
Create a complete Warm Up in Less Time
Anyone who knows me, knows that I thrive on systems. I try to systematize all of my training processes. From program design, to...

Jul 13, 20162 min read
Maintaining Speed All Season
Athletes who have competed knows that it is hard to maintain your strength, weight and speed during the season. As the season progresses,...

Jun 28, 20162 min read
How to Perform a Strength Warmup
Something I get asked all the time is how to structure warmup sets for the major lifts. This may include but is not limited to: Bench...

Jun 20, 20162 min read
Should You Workout After a Game
For many competitive teams, it can be hard to get in enough training sessions with long seasons and all the travel. This is especially...

Jun 8, 20161 min read
3 Essential Training Tactics for Offensive Linemen
The offensive line is the lifeblood of every football team, but let’s face it, the big guys up front rarely get any glory. For the most...

Jun 6, 20161 min read
5 Ways Alcohol Undermines Your Workout
Editor’s note: This article discusses the negative effects of alcohol consumption on athletes. If you are under the legal drinking age,...

Jun 5, 20162 min read
Plyometrics During Warm-Ups For Performance Benefit
One of my favourite coaches Buddy Morris often says that his athletes warm-up to train, they do not train to warm-up. The first time that...
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