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Nov 22, 20162 min read
Improve Tackling Ability in the Weight Room
I have previously written about the benefits of in season training. In season training allows for better performance at the end of the...

Sep 26, 20163 min read
Vertical Jump Exercise: How to Improve Your Ability to Fly
Vertical jump might be the king of athletic movements. Sport performance coaches use the vertical jump as a predictor of athletic...

Aug 7, 20163 min read
Create a complete Warm Up in Less Time
Anyone who knows me, knows that I thrive on systems. I try to systematize all of my training processes. From program design, to...

Jun 8, 20161 min read
3 Essential Training Tactics for Offensive Linemen
The offensive line is the lifeblood of every football team, but let’s face it, the big guys up front rarely get any glory. For the most...

May 15, 20163 min read
Exercises for Offensive Line Play
In football, the big guys up front rarely get any attention unless they do something wrong. Sure you might hear about a QB or running...

Mar 21, 20161 min read
Build Explosive Power With Cluster Sets
When designing a strength and conditioning program to improve performance, the most important aspect is to introduce appropriate training...

Feb 17, 20161 min read
Build Strength and Size with Rest Pause Training
In a strength and conditioning program, coaches manipulate sets, reps and weight to achieve certain results. But other variables also...

Jan 25, 20163 min read
How Long Should I Rest to Get Bigger and Stronger?
Rest times are often one of those programming variables that are easy to overlook. If you are anything like me you have fallen into a...

Jan 8, 20162 min read
Simple Supersets for Accelerated Arm Growth
As strength and conditioning coaches it is easy to neglect arm training. After all there are so many other important things that athletes...

Dec 14, 20153 min read
Essential Components of a Youth Strength and Conditioning Program
The youth strength and conditioning program has become a major selling point for many training facilities lately. I have even seen under...

Oct 9, 20153 min read
Strength Coach Concussion Primer
Recently concussions and mild traumatic brain injuries have been gaining significant exposure in the media. The NHL, NFL and other...

Sep 16, 20153 min read
Guest Post: The Truth Behind Muscle Confusion
Today’s post comes from a friend of mine and very talented Strength and Performance Coach. Cory Kennedy, M.Sc. You can find Cory on His...

Jun 9, 20153 min read
Tempo Training Made Easy
Many of us walk into the gym and bang out as many reps as possible with no regard for the time it takes us to do so. In our fast paced...
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